hello, please allow me to introduce myself, I am Hop Hobbit burglar and Leader of Apocalyptica kin on Eldar server.
i have spoken with Sureshott about an alliance or even a possible merger, as he was pressed for time I've taken the liberty of introducing our kin to you on these forums.
Apocalyptica was founded to create a player database that has the objective to achieve end game content (raids) on a regular bases (we are thinking about 3 times a week or even more).
We currently have 16 level 50 players that are all active and 5 that are 40+.
We are a semi-hardcore kin that are well organised, have a capable officers team, website (though it needs updating) up, ventrillo server for chatting instead of typing and have raided the 2 "easy"raid quests.
We have at this point Carn Dum, Urugarth and Barad Gularan on farmstatus.
We however lack members to do a regular Helegrod raid.
As i've explained to Sureshott we offer 2 options concerning a coalition (alliance).
1 = we stay as 2 kins and ally for raid instances (helegrod at this point)
meaning we will have an equal number of each kin represented whilst maintaining
class balance. details can be negotiated (lootdistribution).
We will provide the raidleader if that is your choice.
2= we merge both kins into one which will result in a bigger player database, less
organising from officers on both kins and less issues with lootdistribution.
As we try to have a high standard of organisation aswell as activity from our members these are the options at this point.
We already have set up a Raid Rule list for our members and will be implementing them to you aswell.
Please feel free to register (use ingame nickname) and check our forums (be it limited as our complete forum needs full membership before you get access), also you can contact me in game on Hop or Edens if you are interested in what we offer.
You can also contact Saradir for more info.
What we offer: A stable database of skilled players, Ventrillo, Raidleaders, 50-50 raidsetups (classbalance in mind), 50-50 lootshare.
What we expect: People that like raiding, People that know there class, People that can obey orders from the raidleaders, People that wont leave when the going gets tough.
I'd like to emphasise that we in no way have the intention to "steal" members from your kin and thus if people apply to us we will contact the Leader of Talon Rangers before we even consider your application, please be aware of that.
Thanks for reading and hope to see you ingame.
Kind regards Hop, leader of Apocalyptica.
URL: www.apocalyptica.ssboards.com
P.S our website is in dire need of an update, please be aware that some content is out of date.